Sew Retro

Dec 6, 20182 min

Fabulous DIY Christmas wrapping ribbon and labels................AND it's zero waste !

This is a no sew simple diy project, using up scraps of fabric from previous projects and saving them from landfill. I have shopped locally at independent shops, for the luggage labels, but you could make your own up-cycling card. I bought the parcel wrapping at a local independent shop, but again you could up-cycle any plain or brown wrapping paper you have. This project is super simple and very satisfying, why not rope friends and family into helping. As the pile of ribbon grows, and your scrap bag empties, you are creating a original hand made Christmas.


A pile of scrap fabric

Home made or shop bought labels, I shopped locally and supported my local independent convenience store

Roll of parcel wrap, again I shopped locally and supported my local independent convenience store

Pinking shears or scissors.

Ruler or tape measure

Chalk or a soft led pencil.

Glue I used Hi-Tack very sticky glue, bought mine on the high street but its available here


1. Using a ruler or tape measure, cut long lengths of fabric that are 1cm wide, repeat until you have enough to wrap your presents. If you need longer lengths than your scrap fabric allows you can join the fabric lengths use a small hand stitch.

2.Your ribbon can be stored on card or cotton reels until you need to wrap your gifts.

The ribbon and labels would also make a original gift, and you could include ribbon and labels suitable for birthdays and other occasions.

3. Download your template HERE

4.Using paper scissors cut out the images.

5.Pin onto your scrap fabric and cut out.

6. Glue onto the home made or shop bought luggage labels

Wrap your presents using your stunning homemade ribbon and lables.

Cut out the images using paper scissors and pin on your fabric and cut out.

#zerowastescrapfabric #diychristmasribbonandlabels
