You will be thanked again and again for these sew easy goody bags. Make them for Halloween, and re- use them year after year. Perfect for all ages, and can be filled age appropriate treats - chocolate and sweets for the little ones, mini bottles of Prosecco for the adults. This is a great beginners sewing project, and is sure to put a smile on everyone's face. This pattern and tutorial is for your own use and not to be reproduced commercially.
Free tutorial -Beginners sewing project _ learn to sew and make Goody bags
Materials and Equipment
2 x felt squares in main colour per bag - I got mine from here
1 x felt square in contrast colour per bag - I got mine from here
meter of cotton tape I got mine here
Matching thread or contrast thread, pins, tape measure, chalk and scissors.
Download your pattern here
Tips for beginners
Seam allowance 2.5cm this is the distance between the edge of the fabric and the stitch line. You will find a series of parallel lines engraved on the needle plate of your sewing machine pick the one marked with the measurement you need and keep the edge of the fabric to this guide
RS = right side of fabric WS = wrong side of fabric.
Download and print the motif pattern.
Download and print the bag pattern
1.Pin the pattern on your felt and cut two pairs. Mark the handle position with chalk
Cut 1 x motif. Position and pin on the bag front.
Cut 2 straps 4cm x 36cm from the cotton tape.
Pin the motif on one front of the bag, and using a small zip zag stitch, stitch around the outside edge of the motif.
2. Position the handles of the bags between the chalk marks, transferred from the pattern.
Turn the raw ends of each handle under of 2cm. pin.
3. Position the handle on the top of the bag using the chalk marks and dropping down 2.5cm from the top edge of the bag as shown in the image.
Pin into place. Repeat on the remaining side of the bag.
4. Start with the stitching as shown in the image.
5. Stitch a rectangle around the straps attaching them to the bag and covering the raw edge of the strap on the inside of the bag. I continued in zig zag stitch to get the bag at little more strength.
6. Pin the WS of the bags together making a pair. Change the sewing machine to matching thread and stitch around the edge of the bag using as straight stitch. Using a 1cm seam allowance for the bag option with out the fringe edge. To make the fringe edge use a 2.5cm seam allowance.
7. Pin the WS of the bags together making a pain. Change the sewing machine to matching tread and stitch around the edge of the bag using as straight stitch. Using a 1cm seam allowance for the bag option with out the fringe edge. To make the fringe edge use a 2.5cm seam allowance.
8.Happy Halloween.