The run up to Christmas is so busy, it's easy to feel tired and a little stressed. Treat yourself to a little "me" time, and make a fabulous Christmas Wreath in the process. All the materials can be found easily at your local fabric, haberdashers or craft shop. You can make these wreath's solo, or invited friends and family to join in. The process is very relaxing and as with all the patterns and tutorials from SEW RETRO you make it as personal and unique as you wish or follow the step by step instructions.
You can use your left over yarn and felt to make this a zero waste project.
Free tutorial -Beginners NO sew project _ Learn to make a Christmas Wreath.
Materials and Equipment
Pom pom Christmas Wreath.
4 x large balls of yarn ( I had some left over from another project)
I pom pom maker available here
Or cardboard to make the pom poms
I polystyrene wreath available here
PVC glue (optional)
Make the pom poms - using either the pom pom maker and follow the manufactures instructions or
trace around a glass or cup and make a circle with another glass or cotton reel make a smaller circle in side the large circle. Cut 2 in cardboard.
You will need a 2/3 different size pom poms
Cut 2 in each size. You will need to wind off small balls of yarn from your large ball, so they will fit through the hole in the middle.
Wind the yarn around the cardboard. Until its completely covered.
Using a sharp pair of scissors cut in between the two pieces of card.
Cut a long piece of yarn and wrap it round the middle of the pom pom, tie very tightly. Repeat.
The yarn needs to be long enough to wrap around the wreath. Push the pom pom out of the cardboard pom pom maker.
Give your pom pom a hair cut (trim)
Tie securely around the wreath and repeat until you have enough pom poms to cover the wreath.
Once you have a few pom poms tied on , tie the ribbon ( which you will use to hang the wreath from) onto the wreath. You make want to glue a few pom poms onto the wreath to fill any gaps.
Congratulations you have made a fabulous Christmas wreath.
Materials and Equipment
Felt Christmas Wreath.
5 of each colour felt squares I got mine here and also used leftover felt from another project
I wire wreath available here
Wire cutters
Fold each A4 sheet of felt in half and half again and half again,and half again giving you 16 x 7.5cm x5.5 cm rectangles per sheet.Repeat until you have cut all the felt rectangles. Fold each rectangle in 4 (fold in half and in half again) and snip a tiny hole in the middle of each rectangle.
Using your wire cutters, remove the inner circle and the metal "bits" that support the circle.
This was easy to do:-)
On the join of the large circle, cut open using your wire cutters.
Thread on your rectangles.
Using the wire cutter turn each end back as shown to make a hook.
Join the hooks
Crush the joined hooks together.
Cover with the hanging ribbon and slide some of the rectangles over the join.
Congratulations you have made a stunning felt wreath.